Season Briefings
At the beginning of the season the club will conduct coach and manager briefings. This will detail registration process, Working With Children (WWC) checks, key dates, resources and any changes to laws of the games and managing teams during match days.

Training takes place at Blair and Centenary Park on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the season. If you want to move to another spot then this will depend on it being available.
Standard allocations are 1/4 pitch for each team and slots of 1 hour. Additional space, training sessions and times will be considered once all teams have their preferred standard slots.
Training Schedule
New senior teams to the club will find space at Centenary Park. Please advise of your preferred day and time.
If you would like an additional training slot or require a change of training slot please complete the request form and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Wet Weather - Training Schedule
Sometimes the fields are closed due to wet weather. Both parks are with different councils so depending which field you are scheduled for depends which council you need to call. For match days you must check the CDFSA wet weather status page to check if matches are impacted or not as this may differ from the council status.
Blair Park - Call 90786170
Centenary Park - Follow this link or call 9367 9190
Pre-season training
The club has limited pre-season training slots at Blair which are offered on a first come, first serve basis once teams have a coach/manager and the minimum number of players registered.

Wet Weather
Wet weather impacts for matches will be updated in Dribl only. Please check Dribl to see if your match is postponed, canceled or moved to another field. Please keep checking as Dribl will be constantly updated as clubs advise on the status of their grounds.
Always work on the basis that your game is on and be prepared to turn up and play.
For weather impacts on training nights please note our grounds are managed by different councils so you need check with different councils for Blair Park and Centenary. Check with the council on the status
Blair Park - Call 90786170
Centenary Park - Follow this link or call 9367 9190
Match Day
Preparations for match day depends on if you are playing home or away.
For away matches it is simply a process of making sure the team knows when and where the match is and arriving with the team about 30 minutes before the match. You also need to check the availability of Referees in your Dribl match sheet.
For home matches in addition to getting the team there 30 mins before the match and checking for referee allocations during the season your team will need to help out with activities during the season which are spread between the teams. These are emailed out by the Club each week and include:
Setting up the grounds e.g. ropes, goals, benches and nets;
Assisting with the canteen;
If required you will need to pick up and wear the away kit from Centenary Park and
Packing down equipment after games
For Blair Park ground setup and pack down is only required for a full size pitch so requires the putting up of nets, benches for players and officials, flags and ropes.
Centenary Park has an initial setup for the first games and then teams will need to help setup for their specific game type as the day progresses e.g. moving from half pitch games to full side games. The morning setup for Centenary is available on the button to the left.
You also need to check the availability of Referees in your Dribl match sheet.
Team managers also need to record results of the matches in Dribl
Ground Official Duties
Club members may on occasion need to be ground official or assist with ground official duties. Ground official duties are detailed in the button above.

Dribl is the Associations competition management system. This allows coach and managers to:
Complete match sheets
Check if you have an official(s) allocated
Enter details of an unofficial ref if required
Record player injuries, if necessary
Update player shirt numbers
Record results for their game
Dribl has provided instructions videos for coach and manager activities which can be viewed here.
To activate your Dribl account please follow these instructions.
Please ensure you have updated the version of your Dribl App - this is being updated on a daily basis at the moment. If you have any queries please email the club Registrar.
Competition draws, results for under 8's and older can be accessed from Dribl. Official(s) will also be shown in Dribl and are normally uploaded on the Thursday prior to weekend games.
Referee Allocations
Official(s) will also be shown in Dribl and are normally uploaded on the Thursday prior to weekend games.
Non Attendance of Match Officials
Where there is no referee in attendance at a match, both teams must agree on one person to referee the entire match. Once a person is appointed as a substitute referee he/she has all the rights, powers and responsibilities of an official referee, (including the right to issue yellow cards (cautions) and red cards (send-off) to players and officials of the teams involved in the match) and shall be accorded the same respect by the teams as would an official referee.
A person appointed as a substitute referee under this rule shall complete the match sheet details including any necessary incident report in the same manner as would an official referee.
Where there is no assistant referee in attendance at a match, each Club should supply a person to act as an assistant referee for the entire match.
When any two teams are unable to decide on a suitable substitute referee they shall take following steps:
1. Not proceed to play the match without a referee
2. Complete the match sheet details, recording on the sheet that the match was not played due to there being no suitable person to referee
3. Return the match sheet as for a normal completed match, and within 48 hours of the match’s originally scheduled time, forward to their Club’s Secretary an explanation detailing why an agreement could not be made
The CDSFA Fixtures Committee shall meet within 14 calendar days following when the match should have been played and, based on the information before it, decide the outcome of the match.
The match may be rescheduled or another outcome determined for that match at the sole discretion of the CDSFA’s Fixtures Committee. The Clubs whose teams are involved will have no right of appeal against the Fixtures Committee decision in the matter.

Team Grading
Team grading is an important activity to ensure that our players are able to make the most of playing football. It ensures that they are in a team with players of similar capabilities and is also important to ensure that when playing matches they are playing teams with similar capabilities. The club grading policy can be viewed here.
Grading will normally take place during February and March for the following:
Girls and boys teams in under 8 to under 13’s
New players joining the club to ensure they are placed in the correct team
2024 Grading Dates:
U8's - 6 and 8 February at 5pm
U9's - 6 and 8 February at 6:15pm
U10's - 13 February at 5pm (15 Feb Grading cancelled)
U11's - 13 February at 6:15pm (15 Feb Grading cancelled)
U12's - 7 February at 5pm
Submit this form to request a grading review

Team Kits
The kits are provided to managers to allocate to the team for the period of the season. You will receive instructions before the season for picking up kit at the beginning of the season and returning the kit at the end of the season.
Kit bags contain:
Shirts for players, in a variety of sizes. Allocate shirts by size rather than preference for shirt numbers. This helps the club minimise the number of shirts we need to hold; we will not swap shirt sizes for the same number e.g. a small #11 for a large #11;
Please remove tags for shirts with scissors, ripping the plastic tag through can damage the shirt;
Goalie gloves are included, please try these on an let us know if you need to swap for a different size;
Please ask your team not to wash or soak the shirts in very hot water, this shortens the life the of the shirt and especially the heat applied numbers and logos
Away kit
If you are listed as needing to play in the away kit you will need to pick this up from the Centenary Park canteen on Saturday mornings between 9:00AM and 11:00AM and return this washed prior to 9:00AM the following Saturday.
If you have any queries about kit please contact the Equipment Manager.

Trials Games
In the run up to the season commencing in April each year there is an opportunity for inter and intra club trial games before the season starts. These will mostly be scheduled by the club however you may also arrange trial games yourself and notify the club.
The club will communicate with coaches and managers the schedule for trial games.
The current schedule for trial games can be viewed here
If you are planning a trial game against a club not in our association you need to complete this FFA form and contact the Burwood FC President to confirm arrangements
If you would like to book a trial game, using Blair Park then please email the club at neilscaturchio@hotmail.com
Training Programs
Below are some links to a number of published training programs which will be useful for development of your players and teams.